B'nai Mitzvah Deposit Fee and Payment Agreement
$300 Due Upon Application Submission: The deposit fee is to secure a provisional** date for your simcha.
The remainder of your B'nai Mitzvah ritual fee ($2,200 for shared, or $2,700 for solo), which will be billed to you along with your school tuition and temple membership includes the following:
B'nai Mitzvah Preparation: This includes 6th Grade B'nai Mitzvah Boot Camps, meetings with Rabbi and Cantor, no more than 30 private tutoring sessions with one of our TIOH B'nai Mitzvah Educators, and rehearsal with the Cantor.
Shabbat Booklet: Based on information provided by the family, TIOH will produce a booklet for use during the service on Shabbat that includes a welcome, information about the service, the weekly Torah portion, a personal message from the family and the student, and a description of the Mitzvah project. The booklet is informational, personal, and a keepsake for your guests.
We will provide celebratory candy for use during the ceremony.
Supplemental fees may include:
- Additional tutoring sessions if needed
- Zoom access and video recording of the ceremony
- Rental of space for an oneg or reception
- Additional security if needed
Mincha/Havdalah B'nai Mitzvah Ceremony
If you are celebrating with a Mincha (afternoon) B'nai Mitzvah ceremony, a $2000 supplemental fee will be added if you do not choose to hold a reception at TIOH after your Mincha/Havdalah service.