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B'nai Mitzvah Application


Mazal Tov! We can't wait to celebrate your family's simcha!

This application includes:

  • Important background information about your B'nai Mitzvah student(s) and your family
  • Opportunity to request up to FOUR provisional dates** and to submit other special notes for our consideration. (Please refer to the calendar we emailed you for available dates.)
  • An outline of what is included in the total fee
  • Payment of the $300 application deposit

Please complete this form in its entirety. If you have any questions, please call Alba Arzu at 323-876-8330 ext. 1007 or via email at [email protected].

In case of financial hardship, limited scholarship funds may be available for qualified applicants. Please contact Zach Lasker ([email protected]) before filling out the application.



Parent Information


Please use formal English name


Please use formal English name


Parent 2 Address (only if different than parent 1)



B'nai Mitzvah Ceremony Options

Shacharit Ceremony
Our traditional morning service begins at 10am. Students will learn prayers and blessings found in a morning service (e.g., Bar'chu, Shema, V'ahavta) and will learn how to chant both Torah and Haftarah.

Mincha/Havdalah B'nai Mitzvah Ceremony
Our afternoon service begins at 4:30pm. Students will learn prayers and blessings found in an afternoon service (e.g., Ashrei, Shalom Rav) and will learn how to chant Torah (please note that Haftarah is not traditionally read during afternoon services). Students will also learn the blessings for the Havdalah service which transitions us from Shabbat into the regular rhythm of the week.
A $2000 supplemental fee will be added to your balance if you do not choose to hold a reception at TIOH after your Mincha/Havdalah service.

Ritual Fee Options
- Solo Ceremony (Shacharit or Mincha/Havdalah): Your student will lead a prayer service alongside our clergy tailored to your family.
$2500 - Shared Ceremony (Shacharit or Mincha/Havdalah): Your student will partner with another student to lead a prayer service alongside our clergy. This service will honor both celebrating families.

We work diligently to try and accommodate each family's preferences, and hope you understand we cannot guarantee your top choices. We ask that you rank your priorities along with sharing any information to explain your preference of these dates (i.e. "prefer long holiday weekend to accomodate family from out of town" etc.), as well as helping us understand your priorities (solo/shared service, Shacharit/Mincha options).


B'nai Mitzvah Deposit Fee and Payment Agreement

$300 Due Upon Application Submission: The deposit fee is to secure a provisional** date for your simcha.

The remainder of your B'nai Mitzvah ritual fee ($2,200 for shared, or $2,700 for solo), which will be billed to you along with your school tuition and temple membership includes the following:

B'nai Mitzvah Preparation: This includes 6th Grade B'nai Mitzvah Boot Camps, meetings with Rabbi and Cantor, no more than 30 private tutoring sessions with one of our TIOH B'nai Mitzvah Educators, and rehearsal with the Cantor.

Shabbat Booklet: Based on information provided by the family, TIOH will produce a booklet for use during the service on Shabbat that includes a welcome, information about the service, the weekly Torah portion, a personal message from the family and the student, and a description of the Mitzvah project. The booklet is informational, personal, and a keepsake for your guests.

We will provide celebratory candy for use during the ceremony.

Supplemental fees may include:

  • Additional tutoring sessions if needed
  • Zoom access and video recording of the ceremony
  • Rental of space for an oneg or reception
  • Additional security if needed

Mincha/Havdalah B'nai Mitzvah Ceremony

If you are celebrating with a Mincha (afternoon) B'nai Mitzvah ceremony, a $2000 supplemental fee will be added if you do not choose to hold a reception at TIOH after your Mincha/Havdalah service.

Additional Tutoring

Regardless of how many years our students have been at either of our schools (Briskin or Religious School), each student comes into this B'nai Mitzvah program with a different skillset when it comes to reading Hebrew. Our B'nai Mitzvah Educators' primary job is to help our students prepare prayers, blessings, and Torah for their ceremony. Our Educators will assess each student at the first few meetings and determine whether they might need supplemental tutoring to continue working on decoding Hebrew. If this occurs, our Educators will alert you of the assessment and provide a list of TIOH-vetted tutors who might be able to step in and support your student. You will be responsible for contacting these tutors and paying for these additional tutoring sessions yourself, as they are not included in your Ritual Fee.

Cancellation Policy

We acknowledge and understand that should we fail to make any of the required payments we will surrender the assigned date and the B'nai Mitzvah will be canceled.

In the event the B'nai Mitzvah is canceled, the refund of amounts paid will be calculated as follows:

  • If canceled more than 12 months in advance of the confirmed event date, the refund will be 100%.
  • If canceled between 4 and 12 months prior to the confirmed event date, we will give you a prorated refund based on the number of full months remaining until the event.
  • If canceled 3 or less months prior to the confirmed event date, the family will not be entitled to any refund.

**The provisional nature of your date relies upon your family meeting the following requirements:

  • Being a member in good standing during the year of your simcha
  • Either having paid in full or setting up a payment plan for the remainder of your Ritual Fee (plus any supplemental fees and/or fees based on any rental agreements for post-ceremony celebrations)
  • Registering student(s) in the 7th Grade Program and either having paid in full or setting up a payment plan for that year's program costs

Account Details

Enter your name and e-mail address for your confirmation

Payment Information


For added Security please check the box below.
